Plant Care
Choose a brightly lit position indoors with no direct sunlight. Or, grow outdoors in semi shade. Water occasionally, but allow the plant to dry out well between watering. Water less frequently in winter and when the plant is growing in low light. This is the best indoor plant or (office plants) for Brisbane as it is extremely low maintenance.
Phalaenopsis orchids are a very popular. The main reason for their popularity is the flowers can last months on a graceful arching spike with many flowers.
The temperature range for Phalaenopsis is 15.5 C to 24.5 C. The normal home temperature of 22 C to 25.5 and this is fine for Phalaenopsis.
Phalaenopsis like most epiphytic orchids grow best with the humidity 50% or higher. Most homes have a humidity of 30 to 40%. To create high humidity around the orchid, provide a way for water to constantly evaporate around the plants. Place gravel in a pan or saucer. Place the plant on the gravel. Keep water in the pan or saucer level with the top of the gravel. Do not allow the water to touch the bottom of the pot. This will create a micro-environment of high humidity right around the plant. Misting causes leaf spot diseases if there is not good air circulation. Do not mist.
Over watering is the biggest killer of orchids. So when in doubt, do not water. If you are not sure how much water to give, try placing 1 or 2 ice cubes under a leaf and allow to slowly melt, this is a safe way to not over water.
Succulents can be grown either inside or outside but, like other plants, they need plenty of light. Most require either filtered sun most of the day or 1 to 2 hours of direct sun each day. Many will survive quite well in full sun, but in summer you will need to introduce them in stages: 1-2 hours the first week, 3-4 hours the next week, then all day. Some species just require good light, for example: Aloe, Scilla, Gasteria, Haworthia.
During the warmer months water thoroughly then let the soil go dry before rewatering. Put your finger a couple of centimetres down into the soil and feel if the soil is moist. When in doubt it is safer to underwater than to overdo it. Succulents store water in their stems and leaves and can tolerate periods of dryness without harm. During the cooler months, water less frequently and less deeply. Try to water in the morning when a sunny day is expected so that any excess will evaporate in the sunlight. If you have purchased a small plant it will, in most cases, be a baby, and require a little more care. It will dry out fairly quickly in summer and will need watering more often until its roots are fully grown.